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Welcome to
Live Today

Connecting technology and faith to transform business challenges like stress, burnout, and mental well-being into growth, resilience, and purpose opportunities. Designed to prioritize spiritual values alongside professional success.

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At Live Today, we believe in integrating spiritual values with cutting-edge AI to overcome the business challenges of our time. Our platform gathers and analyzes employee well-being data to provide targeted care resources and actionable insights. By identifying stressors and offering proactive support, Live Today helps create a happier, more productive workforce, reduces healthcare and recruitment costs, and fosters a supportive work environment making it an essential tool for modern business leaders.

How the Live Today employee care platform works:

1. Continuous Well-being Input:  Our platform continually gathers user well-being data through interactive app tools.

2. Tailored Care Resources:  Using this data we offer personalized care resources, including chaplains and human care partners, to address the unique needs of your employees.

3. Proactive Strategies:  AI-powered insights guide both users and company leaders where well-being and professional excellence go hand in hand.  

Company Leader Challenges

Employee Challenges

Data Gathering

At Live Today, we continually gather employee well-being input through engaging app tools like mood tracking, topical tracks, a content library, challenges, forums, polls, and notifications, ensuring a personalized and rewarding user experience.

Business Team
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Care Resources

The Live Today platform provides targeted resources tailored to each user's needs, offering curated content on specific issues, access to a supportive forum community, and connections to human Care Partners.

Proactive Strategies

The platform leverages AI to analyze user input data and provides comprehensive reports for leaders and care services, such as Care Partners, Chaplains, EAPs, HR staff, and other support services. Our approach emphasizes not only Sentiment Analysis and Engagement but also insights into overall morale and areas requiring immediate attention.  This ensures your leadership team can proactively support employees, fostering a healthier and supportive work environment.

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At Live Today, we prioritize the well-being of employees through a multifaceted approach,  offering personalized care resources and insightful data to help organizations address the diverse needs of their teams.

Live Today App

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